Katalin, Csizmazia

Founder and Head of Rogers Academy

Csizmazia_KatalinI am Katalin Csizmazia, but everbody calls me Csizi. I graduated from Spanish and English in 1986 at the Faculty of Humanities at ELTE. My English teching began at Arany János High School, then at Táncsics Mihály High School where I delved into every aspect of teching languages. Between 1990 and 2013, I worked at the Rogers Person Centred School. My three children started school there too. For a few years, I lived a ‘double life’: I was working in a regular school and at the same time in an alternative one. This dual existence within the two pedagogical systems was indeed a great adventure for me.

I have learnt a lot at the Rogers School. Primarily about myself and about almost all elements of how to build a school. I have designed four curricula, taken part in designing and revising pedagogical programmes. There have been countless teambuilings, communicatinal courses, stategy building courses I participated. We have developed several alternative educational  packages, such as Life Long Guidaces, learning methodologies, projects, and thematic days. As vice form teacher did I help the first Rogers class through the Hungarian Matura.
Since September 2012, I have been the Head of the Rogers Academy, the successor of Rogers High School. I enjoy that we are our own way.

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